How to Use Your Bronze Membership for Physics Questions

Welcome to the Bronze Membership level! Here, you have access to expert assistance exclusively for Physics, now with exciting new features! Follow these steps to make the most of your membership:

Step 1: Fill Out the Form or Speak to the System

You can now choose how to interact with the Physics Sensei AI:

  • Type your questions in the text box provided.
  • Talk directly to the system to describe the problem you want to solve.

Step 2: Frame Your Questions Effectively

To get the best results, follow these tips for crafting your Physics questions:

  • Ask About Processes or Methods
    Start with “How does…” or “How can I…” to explore processes or methods.
    Example: “How does the law of conservation of momentum apply to collisions?”
  • Request Detailed Explanations
    Use “Can you explain…” or “Please clarify…” for complex topics.
    Example: “Can you explain how electromagnetic waves are generated?”
  • Seek Definitions or Distinctions
    Begin with “What is…” or “Define…” for terminology.
    Example: “What is the difference between scalar and vector quantities?”
  • Request Examples
    Ask for real-life applications by starting with “Could you provide an example of…”
    Example: “Could you provide an example of how centripetal force works in a roller coaster?”
  • Ask for Comparisons
    Use “How does [concept A] compare to [concept B]?” for understanding relationships between ideas.
    Example: “How does gravitational force compare to electric force?”

By framing your questions with these phrases, you’ll help our AI system provide the most accurate and helpful responses.

Step 3: Submit Your Question or Conversation

After typing or speaking your question, hit the Submit button. Our Physics Sensei AI will analyze your query and provide a tailored response to meet your needs. Plus, you can now see your entire conversation for easy reference!

Step 4: Follow Up If Needed

If you need further clarification or have additional questions, feel free to submit follow-up queries. We’re here to help you understand Physics better!

Bronze Level Expanded Features

Great News, Bronze level!

  • You can now type your questions or talk to the system.
  • You can view your entire conversation with Physics Sensei for ongoing learning and reference.

Silver Level Added Features!

Great News, Silver Level!

  • Silver Membership now answers Physics and Math questions.
  • Ask up to 50 questions per week.
  • Choose to type or talk to the system about your problems.

💡 Join before March 1st and get 50% off your first month, use the discount code ‘SENSEI10’.