Physics Sensei

Physics That Makes Sense

eBooks for the avid Reader

“There is more treasure in books than in all

the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island.”

Walt Disney

We offer a collection of eBooks that cover a wide

range of topics, from how to prepare for exams

to how to analyze physics problems.

These eBooks were prepared to help you in your

journey to study physics or any other subject.


Get ready to be amazed by these collections of eBooks. Get them today!

eBooks for the avid reader

Free "How to ..." eBooks

A collection of free eBooks with easy to follow techniques, to improve your study skills: understanding, memorization, and problems solving strategies. Get them now for free.

"Conceptual Physics" eBooks

A collection of basic and advanced concepts in physics presented in an easy to understand way. Browse our catalog and get the one you need, today.

"Sensei Secrets" eBooks

This collection has all the secrets you need to know to succeed in your physics class. 5 Volumes full of secrets, now revealed just for you. Get vol I to get started or get the full collection to be ready for your class.

“Any student can succeed in their physics class,

by applying these simple and practical techniques,

because they show them how to understand physics

in an easy way.”

Physics Sensei